Asalibuna <p>(P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-5885</a>,E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2656-3533</a>)<br /><strong>Asalibuna </strong>is a journal of linguistics and education on Arabic fields, published biannually: in June and December by the Arabic Education Department, the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Kediri, Indonesia. This journal accepts research based on papers from Arabic language teachings, linguistics, and translations. Papers are all subject to peer review before being accepted and published. Contributions for future editions are welcome.</p> <p>Here are some scopes of discussion in Asalibuna: <br />- Arabic Teaching and Learning<br />- Arabic Assessment<br />- Arabic Instructional Materials and Media<br />- Curriculum and Instructional Design<br />- Applied Linguistics in Arabic<br />- Arabic Translation<br /><br /></p> Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri en-US Asalibuna 2615-5885 Listening Learning Design by Using Gagne’s Nine Instructional Events to Trigger Student Learning Communication <p>There are learning problems when in the field, not a few students are less enthusiastic and lack response when listening learning activities take place. In this case, learning needs to use strategies in delivering material so that learning outcomes can be achieved efficiently. Therefore, the researcher tried to provide a learning design for listening by using the "Nine Instructional Events Gagne" strategy. This study aims to determine how the design of the concept, implementation, and results of learning <em>maharah</em> Istimā' with "Gagne's Nine Instructional Events" to trigger student learning communication. The method used in this research is classroom action research (PTK) with one cycle. with data collection techniques of observation, documentation, and measurement in the form of tests. The results of this study indicate that a listening learning design that leans towards Gagne's nine events can improve students' responses to the listening process. As evidenced by the first cycle stage, the average score of 75.6 was categorized as good. With the results of student scores reaching 75.6%, it can be said to be successful even though the changes are not so significant, it is known that the learning carried out has improved better than before using Gagne's nine events learning strategy. This research implies that it can provide concepts for the world of education, to provide a learning option.</p> Muhammad Syihabul Ihsan Al Haqiqy Nurul Huda Nur Halifah M. Sirajuddin Al Haqiqy Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 8 01 1 14 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2682 Learning Nahwu Using the Ibtida'i Method at Madrasah Diniyah Jepara <p>Learning Arabic grammar and the <em>Kitab Kuning</em> is the main focus of madrasah diniyah and Islamic boarding school education. Hence, adapting strategies, methods, and media for learning materials is <em>Asatidz'</em>s (teachers) main concern in motivating students' interest in participating in learning at these two institutions. The research used a quasi-experimental design to describe, analyze, and describe (1) the application of the Ibtida’i method and (2) <em>Asatidz'</em>s perception of the application of the Ibtida’i method in Madrasah Diniyah throughout Jepara district in learning Arabic grammar and turats. This research results show that 1) the procedures and applications of the Ibtida’i method are simultaneous between mastery of grammatical rules and application in grammatical learning and the meaning of the <em>turats</em>. 2) Asatidz's perception of the application of the Ibtida’i method shows that a) the majority of <em>as</em><em>a</em><em>tidz</em> always teach Arabic grammar (<em>nahwu</em> and <em>shorof</em>) so that it becomes their field of expertise, b) the majority of <em>asztidz</em> have sufficiently mastered the stages of learning using the Ibtida’i method, c) the majority of <em>asatidz</em> have sufficiently mastered the characteristics of the Ibtida’i method, d) the majority of <em>as</em><em>a</em><em>tidz</em> are consistent in applying the Ibtida’i method, e) the majority of <em>as</em><em>a</em><em>tidz</em> are quite motivated to apply the Ibtida’i method in learning Arabic Grammatical, f) the majority of students are quite enthusiastic and motivated in learning Arabic Grammatical using the Ibtida’i method on the score, g) learning Arabic Grammatical using the Ibtida’i method makes a positive contribution to achieving targets in learning Arabic Grammatical and the book of <em>turats</em>.</p> Muhammad Natsir Ali As'ad Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 8 01 16 26 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2677 Analysis of Arabic Teaching at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum Angsokah Timur Madura in the Perspective of Effective Instruction (QAIT Model) Robert E. Slavin <p>Effective instruction is a determinant of success in learning Arabic. With it, learning objectives can be achieved more quickly and are more enjoyable, whereas without them, learning objectives will take longer and tend to be boring. Slavin offers a theory in determining whether learning can be assessed as effective or not, namely by Quality of Instruction, Appropriate Levels of Instruction, Incentive, and Time (QAIT). Therefore, researchers want to know whether learning at Madrasah Miftahul Ulum Angsokah Timur Madura is effective or not by analyzing it with the theory offered by Slavin. This research uses qualitative methods and includes field research. The data collection uses interviews and observations which will then be analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models. The results of this research show that learning at Madrasah Miftahul Ulum Angsokah Timur Madura is effective on one side and less effective on the other side based on Slavin theory, namely effective on the incentive and time side and not on the quality and appropriateness side.</p> Mohammad Zainal Hamdy Ali Mahmoud Al Asma'i Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 8 01 27 38 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2717 The Potential of Use Artificial Intelligence in Implementing Character Education in Arabic Language Subjects <p>This study aims to examine one approach to addressing the nation's character issues by utilizing artificial intelligence as a means to instill character values in Arabic language learning. The research method used in this study is literature review, focusing on the latest scientific studies from the past five years, with the subjects being artificial intelligence, character education, and Arabic language. The findings of this study indicate that artificial intelligence, commonly used as a tool for Arabic language learning, has the potential to be optimized for character education during the learning process. From the study's results, it is concluded that this approach can be implemented by utilizing artificial intelligence as an aid in creating Arabic language learning content, which includes both explicit skills and hidden character values. Therefore, students using this material are expected to be encouraged to develop positive personalities and characters, thus reducing bullying or other misbehavior among students.</p> Riski Gunawan Muhammad Subkhi Hidayatullah Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 8 01 39 51 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2718 al-I'lal in Surah al-Nur: The Morphological Analysis and Its Use in Teaching Morphology (Ilm al-Sharf) <p><em>I'lal</em> in morphology is the most important part of linguistics that the Arabic scholars have paid great attention to in the past and present, because of its accuracy and complexity of the problem. This study aims to (1) find out the forms of <em>I'lal</em> in <em>Surat An-Nur</em>, (2) find out how to use them in learning morphology, (3) find out the supporting factors for the <em>I'lal</em> learning process. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The results of this study are as follows: (1) <em>I'lal </em>in <em>Surat An-Nur</em> there are 47 words, in detail: 20 words <em>I'lal bi Al-Qolb</em>, 12 words <em>I'lal bi Al-Hadf</em>, 8 words <em>I'lal bi An-Naqli</em>, 4 words <em>I'lal bi At-Taskin</em> and 1 word <em>I'lal bi An-Naqli wa Al-Qolb</em>, and two words <em>I'lal</em> <em>bi Al-Qolb wa Al-Hadf</em>, (2) Benefits of knowing the forms of <em>I'lal</em> in the teaching of morphology is to make it easier for teachers to teach <em>I'lal</em> rules with models from these words, and to make it easier for students to understand morphology, especially <em>I'lal </em>rules, (3) The factors that support the <em>I'lal</em> teaching process are recognizing the origin the letters of the letters <em>'illah</em> and their substitutions from one letter to another, recognize the substitution of the letter <em>sahih</em> from the letter <em>mu'tal</em>, and recognize the morphological origin of the word, especially when turning <em>hamzah</em> into <em>ya'</em> or <em>waw</em>, and recognize the displacement of the vowel from the letter <em>' illah</em> to <em>saheeh</em> letters, and recognize the omitted <em>'illah</em> letter, making it easier to know the <em>wazn</em> of a sentence. The conclusion is that this study increases Arabic language learners’ understanding of the reasoning by reading the examples in <em>Surat Al-Nur</em>, and it also increases morphology teachers’ understanding of the method of teaching the reasoning.</p> Siti Mufarokah Yeni Prihatin Miftahul Jannah Uril Bahruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 8 01 52 74 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2725 Problematics of Arabic Learning through e-Learning and Its Solution at Senior High School <p>The objectives of this study are: 1. To explain the problems of learning Arabic through E-learning for class XI IPA at MAN 1 Sragen, Central Java, Academic Year: 1441-1442 H, 2. To explain about solving these problems. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. In collecting the data, the researcher used three methods, namely: the interview method, the observation method, and the documentation method. Researchers used Miles and Huberman's analysis with three steps: data collection, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the data analysis stated that: 1) Arabic learning problems through E-learning for class XI IPA consists of several aspects: a) Problems in terms of teachers: The teacher leaves several steps contained in the language learning method Arabic through E-learning, b) Problems in terms of students: Lack of student interest in learning Arabic through E-learning, c) Problems in terms of E-learning media include: E-learning media is a learning application that requires supporting tools, such as Android, Computers, and Internet Signals, 2) Problem-solving in the learning problem consists of several aspects: a) Problem-solving from the teacher's point of view. The teacher must use the Arabic teaching method through E-learning properly and correctly. b) The solutions to students' problems are the teachers must increase student motivation in learning Arabic through E-learning, c) Completion in terms of E-learning media. Teachers and students must prepare supporting tools in the Arabic learning process through E-learning. </p> Dedi Mulyanto Sarah Fauziah Laode Muhammad Alfateh Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Asalibuna 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 8 01 75 88 10.30762/asalibuna.v8i01.2550