IREELL: Indonesian Review of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature <p><strong>Indonesian Review of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature (IREELL)</strong> is biannual (April and October) peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes research within the area of English language education, linguistics, and literature in second or foreign language contexts. The journal provides a venue for the dissemination of research reports to promote scholarly exchange among teachers and researcher in the field. It encourages submissions from across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research traditions that are previously unpublished to advance knowledge, theories, or methodologies in English education and linguistics.</p> <table style="height: 280px;" width="727"> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Journal Title</strong></td> <td><strong>: Indonesian Review of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature (IREELL)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>ISSN</strong></td> <td>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>3021-8101</strong></a> (online), <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>3025-2369</strong></a> (print)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Frequency</strong></td> <td>: 2 issues per year</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Editor in Chief</strong></td> <td>: <strong>Nur Afifi, M. App. Ling., Ph.D </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Managing Editor </strong></td> <td>: <strong>Yogi Rohana M. Hum.</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email</strong></td> <td>:</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Publisher</strong></td> <td>: Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, Indonesia</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /><br /></p> Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri en-US IREELL: Indonesian Review of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature 3025-2369 An Analysis of the Level of Students’ Anxiety on Their Writing Skills <p>Since English has been a foreign language in Indonesia, many achievements are needed in teaching and learning in school. English as subject material in school has four basic language skills, they are reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In learning English as a foreign language, anxiety is a common issue that hinders the student's learning process, including writing skills. The anxiety experienced by students in writing is called writing anxiety. The aim of this qualitative case study is to find out the level of writing anxiety experienced by students in classX-6 at SMAN 1 Prambon and find out teacher's strategies to help students overcome their writing anxiety. The data were collected through the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) questionnaire by Cheng (2004) and interviews were conducted with students of class X-6 and English teachers. The results show that there is a high level of writing anxiety in class X-6 students, with factors such as low self-confidence, lack of topical knowledge, language difficulties, pressure of perfect work, and pressure of limited time. Meanwhile, the teacher has several strategies to help students overcome their writing anxiety, such as memorizing vocabulary sessions at every meeting, giving random questions to help students develop their ideas, providing writing exercises with layouts and pictures to practice their writing skills, giving motivation in every assessment, doing icebreaking and playing games</p> Anggun Guna Puspita Copyright (c) 2023 Anggun Guna Puspita 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 91 105 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.1970 Students’ Perception on Group Work in Online Class: Lessons from Covid 19 Pandemic <p style="font-weight: 400;">One of essential component of traditional learning is group work. It refers to a collaborative effort for students to achieve the goal of learning and accomplish the assignment. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the learning was shifted into online which also posed the adaptation of group work in online learning. A questionnaire of students’ perception on group work in online learning was distributed online to 51 students at one private university in Indonesia. Students perceived benefits of group work in online learning including promoting responsibility, improving participation and collaboration, and developing understanding. They also prefer to have group work than individual work. Lastly, they faced discomfort of group work in online learning. This study has shed a light that the pandemic has essentially taught that group work in online learning should be carried out with several careful considerations.</p> Nur Mafissamawati Sholikhah Fitria Ningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Mafissamawati Sholikhah, Fitria Ningsih 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 1 2 106 120 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.1968 An Analysis of Politeness Rules in Teacher-Students Classroom Interaction <p>The practical application of manners or etiquette to avoid offending and to make others feel comfortable is known as politeness. Since it is a culturally determined phenomenon, what is considered to be respectful in one society may occasionally be viewed as extremely impolite or strange in another. This descriptive qualitative study seeks to investigate the rules of politeness by Lakoff (1973) in teacher-students utterances during classroom interaction. However, an English teacher and 36 students of MAN 2 Kota Kediri became the sample of this research. As the data was a speech-shaped, it was obtained through several steps such as observation and data recording then it was analyzed trough data reduction, and data display, data validation, and drawing conclusion. The findings indicated that there were three rules used by the teacher and the students in their utterances namely <em>‘Do Not Impose’, ‘Give Option’</em>, and<em> ‘Make the Hearer Feel Good’</em><em>.</em></p> Siti Nur Kamilah Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Nur Kamilah 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 121 138 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.2063 The Students' Perceptions of Practicing Speaking Skill By Using British Council Website <p>This study aims to determine the perception of the use of the British Council website. This study uses quantitative methods and the research participants were 20 students in the 6<sup>th</sup> semester of the English Education Program at IAIN KEDIRI with twenty one statements concerning how they felt about using British Council Website to practice their English language skills. The data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to students using Google Forms. The highest point of those questionnaires was students “Agree” that British Council Website helps them practice in speaking. While the lowest point of questionnaires was “Disagree”. They can improve their speaking skill by noting important details in their notebook when they watch videos on the British Council Website. In addition, the finding shows that British Council website is effective to help teacher in delivering material and boosting the students’ motivation to speak. In conclusion, many students agree that the British Council website can help students with their problems in learning English.</p> Aprilia Anggraini Ali Ica Catur Palupi Nurul Aini Copyright (c) 2023 Aprilia Anggraini Ali, Ica Catur Palupi, Nurul Aini 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 139 151 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.1311 Student’s Critical Thinking towards Reading Comprehension using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy <p>Critical thinking skills are one of the aims of teaching-learning activities proposed by the Ministry of Education through the implemented curriculum in Indonesia called the 2013 curriculum. It is a student's ability of cognitive skill divided into two stages of thinking, specifically Low Order Thinking Skill and High Order Thinking Skill. The Critical thinking scheme used in this research, was revised from Bloom’s taxonomy proposed by Anderson (2001). This study used a qualitative descriptive design. The data collected through observations. The instrument of this research used an observation sheet written from the breakdown of the class activities. F, the descriptive qualitative method used to analyze the data. The researcher connected the existing data with the theoretical framework in Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy to interpret the findings in the research data and conclude the final results of the study. Data analysis on teachers’ questioning activities in the classroom shows that the implementation of critical thinking divided into three stages of high-order thinking skills based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The most used in the teachers’ questioning activities based on the data shows that ten questions frequently used as the question process included the highest stage of thinking or create stage or C6. On the other hand, the second higher places by analyzing staged or C4 showed six questions. In addition, the other five questions are placed by evaluate stage or C5 based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.</p> Sela Eka Melati Fathor Rasyid Copyright (c) 2023 Sela Eka Melati, Fathor Rasyid 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 152 165 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.1947 Investigating the Utilization of the Song 'Darl+ing' by Seventeen K-Pop Group in Improving English Grammar Skill <p>Utilizing song as a medium for English language acquisition has emerged as a captivating and enjoyable approach incorporated within the curricula of Junior High School and Senior High School under the 2013 educational framework. This research aims to employ the song "Darl+ing" by Seventeen as a catalyst to reinforce and validate grammatical concepts. Through an intricate analysis of the song's lyrical content, this study endeavors to address two pivotal research inquiries: (1) the delineation of distinct grammatical structures presents within Seventeen's composition "Darl+ing" and (2) an exploration of students' perspectives about the integration of English songs for grammar instruction. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the data for this study was gathered from Senior High School students. Notably, 76% of respondents acknowledged the efficacy of employing the song's lyrics as an engaging pedagogical tool. In this model, the application of "Darl+ing" as an educational stimulus holds the potential to invigorate students' grammar learning experiences. The findings culminate in the observation that Seventeen's song encapsulates diverse grammatical elements, rendering it a captivating subject of study. Hence, leveraging song lyrics as a creative conduit serves as a source of inspiration, fostering students' grammatical proficiency and imbuing the learning process with a sense of enthusiasm. In essence, the researchers underscore the recommendation of song lyrics as an innovative strategy to facilitate a comprehensive grasp of grammatical nuances, particularly within the purview of tense variations</p> Ikrar Genidal Riadil Pitchaya Chonpracha Novian Gilang Bujana Aqila Gema Nuswantoro Copyright (c) 2023 Ikrar Genidal Riadil, Pitchaya Chonpracha, Novian Gilang Bujana, Aqila Gema Nuswantoro 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 166 177 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.1951 The Politeness Strategy in Compliment in Pursuit of Happiness Movie <p>Politeness Strategies is one of topic discussed in pragmatics. The politeness principle is a set of maxims that describe the way in which politeness operates in a conversational exchange. This study focused on compliments and the responses. The theory of politeness strategies can be applied into media entertainment such as in a movie. This study examined the types of Politeness strategies in compliments and the responses in <em>The Pursuits of Happyness </em>movie that uttered by all characters and the types that frequently appears in the movie. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method as the data were derived from the movie script of <em>The Pursuits of Happyness </em>by downloading from the internet. The result shows that there are 19 data of compliments and 5 data of compliment response. There are 9 data categorized into <em>generosity maxim </em>type, 3 data categorized into <em>modesty maxim </em>type, 3 data categorized into <em>sympathy maxim </em>type, 2 data categorized into <em>agreement maxim </em>type, and 2 data of approbation maxim. It can be concluded that generosity is the most frequently used by the characters in <em>The Pursuits of Happyness </em>movie. The use of those findings in education will explore the theory of politeness strategies that are learned by EFL English to develop their ability to succeed in academic or social communication and it becomes a value-added treasure of scientific knowledge in the field of education in linguistics.</p> Evanka Trifani Yogi Rohana Copyright (c) 2023 Evanka Trifani, Yogi Rohana 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 178 191 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.2181 Poetry as An Alternative to Teach Literature for EFL Students in English Course <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36.0pt; line-height: 115%;">The purpose of the study is to investigate how effectively poetry works as an alternative teaching strategy for literature to English as a foreign language (EFL) Students. Poetry is a form of verbal art that evokes feelings, reflects thoughts, and conveys human experiences in a beautiful and creative way. This study explores the connection between teaching methods and literary works, with a specific focus on the use of poetry by teachers to improve language proficiency in EFL students. The study emphasizes a teacher's insights as a useful resource within the framework of an English course in Pare Kediri, East Java. The instructor highlights how well poetry works as an alternative teaching strategy for enhancing students' basic language proficiency, which includes speaking, listening, writing, and reading. The study also looks at the many advantages of including poetry in teaching languages. Using poetry as an alternative method to teach literature develops their critical thinking skills and language fluency in addition to their language ability. Moreover, it fosters a greater awareness and respect of one's cultural history and raises learning motivation. The research highlights the educational advantages of adding poetry into the curriculum and highlights the possibility of poetry as an alternative teaching method for EFL students. It is a promising option for instructors looking for cutting-edge and effective teaching methods because of its effectiveness. In the end, this study's conclusions support the inclusion of poetry in the curriculum as an alternative method to improve EFL students' language learning opportunities.</p> Ahmad Arif Burhanuddin As Sholihin Adam Adzani Akmalus Salam Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Arif Burhanuddin, Adam Adzani, Akmalus Salam, Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 1 2 192 201 10.30762/ireell.v1i2.2258