Evaluation of the Arabic Curricullum Implementation at PTKAIS
Kurikulum, Bahasa Arab, PTKISAbstract
KKNI (Indonesian National Qualifications Framework) as a basis for
strengthening competitive competencies at the global level. In particular,
strengthening Arabic language competence is oriented towards
responding to the socio-religious reality of society, as well as responding
to realities in a global context. And this has implications for
strengthening the curriculum with the character of local wisdom and is
varied. This research includes applied research with qualitative and
quantitative approaches, using an evaluative descriptive design. This
research aims to; 1) describe the system for evaluating the
implementation of the PBA curriculum at PTKAIS throughout the Pati
Residency, namely Unisnu Jepara and IP. MAFA. Starch. 2) analyze and
describe the evaluation of the implementation of the PBA PTKAIS
Curriculum throughout the Pati Residency, using the CIPP evaluation
model (context, input, process, product). The results showed that the
model for evaluating the implementation of the PBA PTKAIS Curriculum
throughout the Pati Residency was formulated using the CIPP model
based on the IQF. The results of the PBA PTKAIS evaluation using the
CIPP evaluation model show good average results for all components and
indicators in the CIPP model, namely; context, input, process, product
components. The follow-up of the evaluation results is to recommend
improving the curriculum and learning system in the technical and non technical domains.
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