The Development of Kahoot-Based Learning Media Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Motivation
Learning Media, Kahoot!, Cooperative learning, Motivatation, Students of Islamic EducationAbstract
Abstract: This study aims to develop learning media based on Kahoot! in cooperative learning to increase the learning motivation of Islamic Religious Education students. The 4D research design, which consisted of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating, was chosen to produce Kahoot! based media. Data were collected using observation sheets and questionnaires. The data was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was concluded that learning media based on Kahoot! suitable for use in cooperative learning and can increase student learning motivation. This is evidenced by the results of the media expert test with very good criteria or 93%, the material expert test with good criteria, or 88%, the field test with very good criteria, or 95%, and the learning motivation test with very high and effective criteria. Media Kahoot! as a quiz helps the implementation of cooperative learning with design and game elements relevant to the main principles of cooperative learning such as collaboration, student engagement, active learning, and appreciation. The availability of supporting facilities such as loudspeakers, projector screens, and the Internet has an important role in using Kahoot! media. because it is quite influential on the students’ psychological atmosphere and the fluency of cooperative learning.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Kahoot! dalam pembelajaran kooperatif untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam. Desain penelitian 4D yang terdiri atas tahapan pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan dan penyebarluasan dipilih untuk dapat menghasilkan media berbasis Kahoot!. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi dan angket. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis Kahoot! layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dan dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan hasil uji ahli media dengan kriteria sangat baik atau 93%, hasil uji ahli materi dengan kriteria baik atau 88%, hasil uji lapangan dengan kriteria sangat baik atau 95%, dan hasil penilaian motivasi belajar dengan kriteria sangat tinggi dan efektif. Media Kahoot! sebagai kuis membantu penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan desain dan elemen game yang memiliki relevansi terhadap prinsip – prinsip pokok pembelajaran kooperatif seperti kerjasama, keterlibatan peserta didik, keaktifan belajar, dan penghargaan. Ketersediaan sarana penunjang seperti pengeras suara, layar LCD, dan internet memiliki peran penting dalam penggunaan media Kahoot!. Sehingga, medai pembelajaran Kahoot! memberikan pengaruh kepada suasana psikologis peserta didik dan kelancaran pembelajaran kooperatif.
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