Author Fees

SITTAH: Journal of Primary Education is an open-access international journal. If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs, 500.000.00 (IDR) for DOI registration for each paper; Checking the article similarity by Turnitin and the final result will be sent to the authors (by request); and Layout Editing according to template and journal standard. A waiver or partial waiver of author fees may be decided by the editor in case of lack of funding, or other reasonable reasons provided by the author during the submission. The author should declare that he asks for a waiver in the comments to the Editor box during their submission. A waiver is most likely to be denied if it is not asked at this stage. The waiver will not affect the review result.

All articles published in SITTAH: Journal of Primary Education are freely available online and open access. Readers are free to distribute, remix, transform, adapt, and build upon the articles, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the authors and SITTAH: Journal of Primary Education and license their new creations under identical terms. We look forward to your contribution to the journal in the upcoming issues.