Utilizing Strategy-Based Instruction on The EFL Listening Achievement: A Quasi- Experimental Study
achievement, listening skill, strategy-based instructionAbstract
The current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of using strategy-based instruction on the student’s listening achievement. This research applied quasi-experimental design, and the instruments were pretest and posttest. Both tests were about putting the pictures in order and form completion.  Prior to strategy choice, this study utilized Posteriori Taxonomy of Strategies of Learning English Listening Skill (Zuhairi & Hidayanti, 2014) especially focusing on the use of eight strategy categories deployed by successful students (Hidayanti & Umamah, 2018). Gaining the result from Independent t-Test analysis, it was found out that the experimental group outperformed better than their counterparts in control group. Thus, Strategy-based instruction plays important role to enhance and improve the EFL learners’ listening skill.
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