Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on mechanisms of non science students' attitudes toward statistics courses
Distress, Academic Help-Seeking, The Attitudes of NonScience Students in Statictic, Structural Equation Modeling, Mediator, SmartPLSAbstract
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan langsung dan hubungan tidak langsung dari variabel distress terhadap sikap mahasiswa non sains pada matakuliah statistika ketika academic help seeking menjadi mediator. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan survey design. Sampel yang digunakan adalah mahasiswa IAIN Kediri Prodi Psikologi Islam yang sedang menempuh matakuliah Statistika. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumentasi skala dan metode penskalaan berbentuk Likert summated rating. Analisa data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling berbantuan software SmartPLS. Berdasarkan output SmartPLS menunjukkan bahwa distress berhubungan negatif dengan sikap mahasiswa non-sains terhadap matakuliah statistika. Hal ini terjadi lantaran teridentifikasinya variabel academic help-seeking sebagai self-regulation atau mekanisme adaptif yang ditunjukkan oleh subyek penelitian ketika mengalami distress saat mempelajari matakuliah statistika. Tingginya academic help-seeking menjadi mediator sehingga didapatkan mekanisme pembentukan sikap yang positif terhadap matakuliah statistika.
The aim of this research is to determine the direct and indirect relationship of the distress variable to the attitudes of non-science students in statistics when academic help seeking is the mediator. This research is quantitative research with survey design. The sample used was IAIN Kediri Islamic Psychology Study Program studentswho taking the Statistics course. The data collection technique uses scale instrumentation and a scaling method in the form of a likert summated rating. Data analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling assisted by SmartPLS software. Based on the SmartPLS output, it
shows that distress is negatively related to non-science students’ attitudes towards statistics course. This happened because the academic help seeking variabel was identified as a self-regulation or adaptive mechanism demonstrated by research subjects when experiencing distress while studying statistics courses. The high level of academic help seeking becomes a mediator so thaht a mechanism for forming a positive attitude towards statistics courses is obtained.
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