About the Journal

Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M) which is later designated under the name of Journal Factor M (p-ISSN: 2655-3511)  (e-ISSN: 2656-307X) is one of the accredited mathematics education journals (SINTA 4). This journal focuses on the fields of Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics. Provides an overview of research in the scope of mathematics education: literature study research, experiments, development research, or classroom action research. The literature study in question is a theoretical study, references, and other scientific literature related to the mathematical problem being studied. Experimental research is research that seeks to find the effect of certain variables on other variables under controlled conditions. In this case, the variable in question is focused on the fields of mathematics and mathematics teaching. This journal is published twice a year, namely in June and December.

Journal Title : Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M)
ISSN : 2655-3511 (print), 2656-307X (Online)
Frequency : 2 Issues per Year (June & December)
Editor in Chief : Dewi Hamidah, S.Si., M.Pd.
Managing Editor  : Ahmad Syamsudin, M.Kom.
Email : journalfactorm@iainkediri.ac.id
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, Indonesia


Call for Paper


Jurnal Factor M is a peer-reviewed national journal in the field of mathematics education and applied mathematics. We are inviting researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students to publish your best manuscripts in the field of mathematics education through this journal. We are going to publish the articles for 2025. We are going to publish the best articles two times: June and December.

  1. Vol 8 No. 1 Juni 2025 journal submission deadline: 15 Maret 2025
  2. Vol 8 No. 2 Desember 2025 journal submission deadline: 15 Oktober 2025
Read more about Call for Paper

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Factor M: Journal of Mathematics Education, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024
cover vol 7 no 2

Factor M: Journal of Mathematics Education, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024, features a collection of contemporary research articles focused on mathematics education, applied mathematics, and the integration of mathematics with Islamic studies. This issue presents innovative insights into teaching methodologies, advancements in applied mathematics, and the intersections of mathematical principles with Islamic perspectives. We aim for this publication to serve as a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and practitioners committed to the advancement of mathematics education and the exploration of its applications within diverse educational and cultural contexts.

Published: 17-11-2024


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