Syntax and semantic analysis in mathematical problem posing viewed from field dependent and field independent cognitive styles
Problem Posing, Syntax, Semantics, Cognitive Style, Field Dependent and Field IndependentAbstract
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, bertujuan mendeskripsi kemampuan mahasiswa semester IV dalam pengajuan masalah dari aspek sintaksis dan semantik. Terdapat dua subjek yang diteliti, yaitu masing-masing mahasiswa bergaya kognitif field dependent dan field independent. Subjek penelitian ditentukan menggunakan skor instrument GEFT dengan mempertimbangkan kesamaan jenis kelamin, kemampuan matematika, kecakapan dalam berkomunikasi, kesediaan menjadi subjek penelitian. Aspek yang dianalisis pada masalah yang diajukan dari aspek gaya bahasa yaitu sintaksis dan semantik. Analisis sintaksis dilihat dari bentuk masalah yang diajukan berupa penugasan, hubungan dan pengandaian. Sementara aspek semantik dianalisis berdasarkan termuatnya unsur menyatakan kembali, mengubah, membandingkan, mengelompokkan dan menvariasikan. Masing-masing subjek penelitian diberikan informasi berbentuk kalimat verbal dan grafik, yang selanjutnya sebagai acuan dalam pengajuan masalah. Dari analisis data, diperoleh subjek field independent lebih baik dalam mengajukan masalah dibandingkan subjek field dependendent. Subjek field independent mampu mengajukan masalah yang memuat semua unsur sintaksis dan semantik, sementara subjek field dependent tidak mampu mengajukan masalah yang memuat unsur sintaksis dan semantik.
This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, aiming to describe the ability of fourth semester students in problem solving from syntactic and semantic aspects. There are two subjects studied, namely each student with field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles. Research subjects were determined using GEFT instrument scores taking into account gender equality, mathematical ability, communication skills, and willingness to become research subjects. The aspects analyzed in the problem posed are from the aspect of language style, namely syntax and semantics. Syntactic analysis is seen from the form of the problem posed in the form of assignments, relationships and suppositions. While the semantic aspect is analyzed based on the elements of restating, changing, comparing, classifying and varying. Each research subject was given information in the form of verbal sentences and graphics, which then served as a reference in problem posing. From the data analysis, it was obtained that field-independent subjects were better at posing problems than field-dependent subjects. Field-independent subjects are able to pose problems that contain all syntactic and semantic elements, while field-dependent subjects are unable to pose problems that contain syntactic and semantic elements.
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