Implementation of Coding Theory with The Extended Hamming Code in Steganography


  • Nurul Jannah Universitas Nurul Jadid
  • Nur Hamid Universitas Nurul Jadid



Kode Linier, Kode Hamming yang diperluas, steganografi


Data security needs to be considered to avoid noise when sending data or data breaches by hackers. In this article, we implement data security using a combination of coding theory and steganography. The code used is an extended Hamming code [8.4]. The media used is a grayscale image of size  of lengths 50,100,150,200,250 and 300 characters with 6 attempts. In addition, we show the PSNR result obtained and also the computation time.


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How to Cite

Jannah, N., & Hamid, N. (2024). Implementation of Coding Theory with The Extended Hamming Code in Steganography. Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M), 6(2), 112–124.