Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): JEELS November 2023
The published articles in JEELS volume 10 no 2 were authored and co-authored by 35 authors from eleven countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia, India, Ukraine, Thailand, Uzbekistan, United States of America, Russia).
“I Have to Take A Deep Breath”: Emotional Geography of EFL Lecturers During Undergraduate Thesis Supervision
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1137 , Abstract views: 485, Downloads: 373 -
Online Feedback in Interactive Blogging: Cultivating Students’ Writing Performance and Learning Engagement
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1099 , Abstract views: 529, Downloads: 434 -
Tripartite Analysis of Empowering Indicators to Student Engagement: Informing A Conceptual Framework
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.698 , Abstract views: 286, Downloads: 190 -
The Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum At English Department of Indonesian Universities
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1249 , Abstract views: 1231, Downloads: 751 -
Questioning Strategy That Works to Foster Critical Thinking Skills: A Study In Islamic University
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1048 , Abstract views: 1746, Downloads: 255 -
Investigating EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Meanings on Digital Storytelling in Language Learning: A Narrative Approach
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.912 , Abstract views: 416, Downloads: 312 -
Senior Female EFL Teachers' Voices: Beliefs on ICT Implementation In EFL Classrooms
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1115 , Abstract views: 320, Downloads: 256 -
Developing English Teaching Materials Using Task Generator to Enhance The Seventh Graders’ English Language And 21st Century Skills
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1751 , Abstract views: 356, Downloads: 287 -
Challenges in Implementing Kurikulum Merdeka for EFL Teachers
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1899 , Abstract views: 1933, Downloads: 1094 -
Interculture-Based Language Learning Model to Improve Prospective English Teachers’ Speaking Skills Viewed From Linguistic Awareness
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1763 , Abstract views: 274, Downloads: 221 -
The EFL Lecturers’ Voices: Strategies and Concerns in Writing the Ba Thesis
DOI : 10.30762/jeels.v10i2.1585 , Abstract views: 184, Downloads: 154