Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): July
All articles in this issue (5 articles) were authored/co-authored by 14 authors from 5 institutions (Universitas Nurul Huda, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Universitas Khairun, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara) and 1 countries of origin (Indonesia ).
The Influence of The Green Learning Method (GeLem) on Students' Environmental Literacy related Biodiversity
DOI : 10.30762/ijise.v2i2.1289 , Abstract views: 161, Downloads: 161 -
Reflective Thinking Profile of Physics Teacher Prospective Students through Nuclear Physics Learning using Virtual Laboratory
DOI : 10.30762/ijise.v2i2.1282 , Abstract views: 130, Downloads: 147 -
Profile of Critical Thinking Skills of Grade XI Students related Inheritance
DOI : 10.30762/ijise.v2i2.1271 , Abstract views: 123, Downloads: 137 -
The Effect of Self Efficacy on the Creative Thinking Ability Learners on Environmental Material
DOI : 10.30762/ijise.v2i2.1528 , Abstract views: 208, Downloads: 329 -
Development of Teaching Materials related Magnetic Field Based on the Google Sites Assisted Learning Cycle Model
DOI : 10.30762/ijise.v2i2.1525 , Abstract views: 370, Downloads: 306